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Soort artikel SERPENT'S GOLD Artikelnummer 01958716 Inhoudsopgave 01. Cathedral - Ride
02. Cathedral - Hopkins
03. Cathedral - Autumn Twilight
04. Cathedral - Midnight Mountain
05. Cathedral - Soul Sacrifice
06. Cathedral - Enter The Worms
07. Cathedral - Stained Glass Horizon
08. Cathedral - Vampire Sun
09. Cathedral - Cosmic Funeral
10. Cathedral - Ebony Tears
11. Cathedral - Melancholy Emperor
12. Cathedral - Equilibrium
13. Cathedral - Utopian Blaster
14. Cathedral - Voodoo Fire
15. Cathedral - Imprisoned In Flesh
01. Cathedral - Hide And Seek
02. Cathedral - Neophytes For The Serpent Eve
03. Cathedral - Violet Breath
04. Cathedral - Night Of The Seagulls
05. Cathedral - Magic Mountain
06. Cathedral - A Funeral Request
07. Cathedral - The Olde Oak Tree
08. Cathedral - Schizoid Puppeteer
09. Cathedral - Carnival Bizarre
10. Cathedral - Rabies
11. Cathedral - Blue Light
12. Cathedral - Commiserating The CelebrationDatum invoer 21/06/2004 Artikelgroep CD - Beoordelen